Who to See & Contact Information

The following is information on who is responsible for various operations at Life Foursquare Church along with their functions and email addresses. If you need helping contacting someone, please contact the office at info@life4square.com or 979-849-1161.
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Pastoral and Office Staff
Note: Email addresses are sent to …@life4square.com. (They are not fully indicated here to cut down on spam. Thank you for bearing with the inconvenience.)
Senior Pastor: Grant Glaze (grant@…)
Co-Pastor: Alexis Glaze (alexis@…)
Assoc. Pastor: Cere Muscarella (cere@…)
Care Pastor: Ann Muscarella (ann@…)
Director of Music: Elton Davis (elton@…)
Assoc. Pastor, Administration: Sonny Bowman (sonny@…)
Junior High Minister: Rhayne Cassatt (rhayne@…)
Children’s Pastor & Administrator: Stefanie Clayton (stefanie@…)
Auxiliary Ministries Coordinator: Kim Gordon (kim@…)
Events and Production Admin: Magon Gentry (magon@…)
Office Manager: Tina Ocañas (tina@…)
Secretary/Receptionist: Lauren Jones (lauren@…)
Secretary/Receptionist: Kaysie Nelson (kaysie@…)
CE Assistant & Volunteer Coordinator: Melissa Soliz (melissa@…)
Church Board
Grant Glaze (grant@…)
Jim Barta (jim@…)
Mindy Burch (mindy@…)
Jennifer Frazier (jennifer@…)
Rocky Hicks (rocky@…)
Paco Jimenez (paco@…)
Doug Moran (doug@…)
Aaron Stillwagon (aaron@…)
Neil Wilson (neil@…)
Ministry Team Leaders (Who to See About What)
Note: Email addresses are sent to …@life4square.com. (They are not fully indicated here to cut down on spam. Thank you for bearing with the inconvenience.)
Nursery Ministry (0-2 years): Amy Davenport (nursery@…)
Preschool Ministry (3-4 years): Lauren Jones (lauren@…)
Elementary Ministry (grades K-5): Stefanie Clayton (children@…)
Jr High Ministry (grades 6-8): Rhayne Cassatt (str8-up@…)
High School Ministry (grades 9-12): Grant Glaze (grant@…)
Young Adults Ministry (18-29 years): Alexis Glaze (alexis@…)
Women’s Ministry & Bible Study: Kim Gordon (kim@…)
Men’s Ministry: Jason Frazier (jason@…)
Music Ministry: Elton Davis (elton@…)
Creative Arts: Elton Davis (elton@…)
Missions Coordinator: Raymond & Tina Ocañas (missions@…)
Scheduling Appointments and Events: Alexis Glaze (alexis@…)
Events and Productions: Magon Gentry (magon@…)
Bulletin & Online Calendar: Kaysie Nelson & Lauren Jones (bulletin@…)
Social Media: Magon Gentry (magon@…)
Prayer Team: Tammi Chamblee (prayer@…)
Care Team: Ann Muscarella (care@…)
Greeters: Tommy & Belinda Gaines (greeters@…)
Ushers: Gary Cummings (ushers@…)
Video Recording Team: JW Rhyne (videoteam@…)
Administration, Records, & Business: Sonny Bowman (sonny@…)
Auxiliary Ministries Coordinator: Kim Gordon (kim@…)
Logistics Coordination: Alexis Glaze (logistics@…)
Maintenance: Eddie Gentry (maintenance@…)
Maintenance: Guary Pirkle (guary@…)
Maintenance: Rojelio Campos (ro@…)
Maintenance: Godfrey Ndumbe (godfrey@…)
Housekeeping – Adult Dining Room, Foyer, & Annex: Mercedes Pardo
Housekeeping – Adult Sanctuary, Life Kids & Nursery Housekeeping: Lue Ann Poe (lueann@…)
Housekeeping – Jr High, High School, and Annex: Renee Music (renee@…)
Housekeeping – Jr High, High School, and Annex: Jamie Stanford (jamie@…)
Housekeeping – Office Complex: Stacy Rhone (stacyrhone@…)
Housekeeping – Floors and General Housekeeping: Gary Cummings (gary@…)
Alpha Course: Raymond & Tina Ocañas (alpha@…)
DivorceCare & DC4K: Tina Ocañas (divorcecare@…)
GriefShare: JW & Staci Rhyne (griefshare@…)
Adult Kitchen Coordinator: Cere Muscarella (cere@…)